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Dear Dharma friends,

Wish you all well. Due to the covid-19, all the programs in this year have to be postponed, we feel sorry to all the dharma brothers and sisters who has booked accommodation and airplane ticket for His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche's visit (April), His Holiness Shechen Ramjam Rinpoche (August) and Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche (October). We do apologies due to the difficult time and follow the UK government's guideline to protect all of us, that not allow any event in public. But for sure, all of precious gurus will come to the UK once the difficult situation has changed. 

In this year, our center's master- Khen Hungtram Rinpoche still carry on the Zabtik Monastery renovation project. From last year we had rebuild the Lhakang, Stupas, Sangha rooms etc. This year, the inner decoration such as Thangka, Chosham, table and seat will be prepared, we are expecting to see the ancient monastery could be rebuild completed in this year.

We wish all the dharma friends stay safe and peace.

Soktul Tenzin

Yeshe Longdhe Buddhist Centre

27th August 2020









 His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche Sangye Pema Shepa 2020 UK visits Postponed till further information.




The second Dudjom Rinpoche could foresee the future, he wrote a will just before he passed away, and in his will, he clearly predicted where he will be reborn.  He wrote “I will go to Tibet and I will be born within my family”. 


In 1990, the prediction was proved to be true. The third Dudjom Rinpoche was born in China, Qinghai province. His father is the son of the Second Dudjom Rinpoche and his name is Dola Rinpoche – Jigme Chokyi Nyima, his mother is Pema Khandro, she was a diligent Dharma practitioner since she was very young. The family is very unusual in that not only were they the Tibetan king Thrisong Deutsen’s descendants, but also through many generations, this family had many yogis who achieved beyond the two stage (kye rim and dzo rim)Those Yogis  have tremendous power of blessing. Before the birth of the third Dudjom Rinpoche, Duola Rinpoche dreamed a few times that his deceased father came back home,  and during the third Dudjom Rinpoche’s mother’s pregnancy, many rainbows appeared in their home, sometimes even in her room. When he was born, there were many auspicious signs such as rainbows, Samantabhadra appeared in the sky… Many people, Buddhists and the public witnessed these signs, and they all said this boy is truly  the reincarnation of the king of Dharma, his renown spread across the country.


The third Dudjom Rinpoche as a child was very different compared to other children. He behaved like an elder. As a child, he never cried, complained, had any conflicts with other kids, addicted to any games or obsessed by any goods. As soon as he could speak, he recited Pedmasanbava’s Mantra, when he could walk, he hold a bell and dorje with mudra, he would always hold prayer beads, recite mantras or Buddhas’ names. The games he enjoyed to play tirelessly were always Vajrayana dancing, Empowerment, dharma teaching, Meditation, etc. He is sensitive and gentle in nature, born with faith in three jewels, and naturally shows sympathy, compassion and love to all sentient beings. Since childhood, he has few words and ocean wisdom.


Many great masters have verified that the reincarnated spirit boy is indeed the third of Dudjom Rinpoche, Dakini Tare Lhamo (Ninlong’s parents), Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Minlin Trizin Rinpoche, His Holiness Sakya Trizin Rinpoche, His Holiness Chatral Sangje Dorje, Dongsey Thinlye Norbu Rinpoche, His Holiness Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok, Gurong Gyasel Rinpoche, Khenpo Ahchok Rinpoche Longdor Gyaltsen, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche and Kyabjé Trulshik Rinpoche and other masters from various linages. In particular, the only daughter of the appreciating Tibetan Terton Ahpang, who is very well recognized in the Kham area and is well known for her great predictions, predicted and formally verified this reincarnation before the birth of the third Dudjom Rinpoche. She is also the emenation of Yeshe Tsogyal, the dakini Darui Lhamo.



In 1959, the second of Dzongsar Jamyang Kyentse Chogyi Lodro Rinpoche wrote a letter to H.H. Chatral Rinpoche just before he passed away in Sikkim. In the letter he asked Chatral Rinpoche to protect the reincarnation of the Dudjom Rinpoche to prevent confusion, and given some relevant information of the reincarnation. At the time, the second Dudjom Rinpoche was still alive, but  the second of Dzongsar Jamyang Kyentse Chogyi Lodro Rinpoche was well prepared for this reincarnation , and Chatral Rinpoche had been given the great responsibilities to  certify and educate the third Dudjom Rinpoche.


In 1994, on the Memorial Day of the Buddha’s descent from heaven, in Nepal there were 100 thousands monks and nuns naturally gathered in the holy place, "Godawali," Chatral Rinpoche hosted the enthronement ceremony for the third Dudjom Rinpoche . Attendees included His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, Dzongsar Rinpoche, Dorjedrak Chosang Rinpoche, Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, Katok Sidu Rinpoche, DongSey Thinley Norbu Rinpoche’s representative - Garab Rinpoche, representative of Dodruchen Rinpoche , the second Dudjom’s Family representative – Palden Norbu Rinpoche, representatives of Kagyu linage, Sakya Linage and representatives from relevant temples etc., there were more than a thousand representatives of the six major temples of the Nyingma linage, which includes lamas, Rinpoches, and monks. There were more than 10,000 disciples of the second Dudjom Rinpoche from the East and West, which shows the significance of this enthronement ceremony.


Since he was a child, Rinpoche has been educated by Chatral Rinpoche and many other masters, Khenpo, and Mahasiddhas, he received intensive and strict education such as the theories and doctrines of the dharma, Nyingma traditions, Terma teachings and other education. After gaining empowerment, oral transmission, and guidance of various types of practice, he has successfully completed the practice of Four Ordinary Foundations and Preliminary Practices, two kinds of Nyitik, and Dorje Drolo of Dudjom Tersar lineage. Whenever he has any spare time, he always devoted to either recitation of mantras or study of the scriptures. The same quality and attitude is obviously maintained from his previous lives, those who are familiar with him will naturally have the faith and confidence in him. Khenpo Ahchok Rinpoche praised him: "I have never seen such a rare reincarnation in India or Tibet."



In the disciples’ heart, the Dudjom Rinpoche naturally possessed all the merits of previous lives, so temples around the country often invite him to give various teachings. Since the age of thirteen, he has been invited to various places in Nepal, Tibet, India, and Bhutan. He has given a variety of empowerment, lectures and presided over Dharma ceremonies, including Amitayus, Medicine Buddha, Avalokitisvara, and three roots etc. Continue to guide disciples from all previous lives all over the world, remove the doubts about meditation, guide long-term retreats and try to support retreats, giving superior teachings. Although Dudjom Rinpoche has a great reputation, he does not change his sincere respect to his lama. Even if he did empowerments and transitions many times, he still always asks Chatral Rinpoche every time before he gives teaching. The Dudjom Rinpoche vast and significant influence of Buddhism in the future is predictable, just as His Holiness Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok said: "After Dudjom Rinpoche come back, the Nyingma linage Buddhism teaching will again reach the glorious era!”



On the memorial day of the Buddha’s descent from the heaven in 2008, the third Dudjod Rinpoche began a three-year strict retreat on the Gangri Toga mountain, where Longchenpa wrote a number of Great Perfections, performed retreats and achieved the state of buddhahood. The third Dudjom Rinpoche’s study, practice and teach are very similar to his previous lives. For further information, please refer to "Briefing on His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche " wrotten by Katok Rigzin Chenpo . Pema Wangchen Rinpoche.

2008年佛从天降的神圣日,法王于龙钦巴尊者写下众多大圆满法,而闭关、成佛之 重要圣地──冈日推嘎雪山,开始为期三年的严格闭关。法王之学习、实修、弘法历程近似前世,若欲了解较详细情形,可参阅噶陀仁珍千宝.贝玛旺晴仁波切所造之「宁玛派敦珠法王之明义简传」。


According to the teachings of Dudjom Lingpa, all those who have been connected with Dudjom Rinpoche, as long as they have not broken the Samaya, have met him, heard his name, remember about him, or connected with him, can achieve liberation, and will be born in "Shambhala" pureland.


We‘re thrilled to announce this event, organised in collaboration with Sang-ngak-chö-dzong, the charity that supports the Aro gTér Tradition in Britain. The charity was established by Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen, under the guidance of the late Kyabjé Düd’jom Rinpoche, Jig’drèl Yeshé Dorje (1904-1987), to promote the establishment of the gos dKar lCang lo’i sDe, non-monastic Vajrayana tradition in the West. We have been delighted to build links between our Sanghas and to co-host, with Yeshé Longdhe Centre, this rare opportunity to receive teachings and transmission from Kyabjé Düd’jom Rinpoche - Sang-gyé Pema Shépa.


Price 费用:

As His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche wishes all his teachings to be only on donation, and Rinpoche also promised Kyabje Chatral Rinpoche not to ever make entrance tickets for his teachings for dharma flourishing. This will influence the organization of the entire UK's tour of Dudjom Rinpoche. In our present situation, we do not have a major sponsor who can cover event expenses. For full of Rinpoche's wishes, we are not going to charge any pence for the event, any donations are mostly welcome and rejoice. So, there is no seat booking in advance, once there is no ticket selling. No need to register attendant, main entrance will open around 9:00am.



Parking 停车场:

Four hundreds parking space avaliable in front of the venue.



25th-26th April 四月25-26日
Reading – Caversham Room  英格兰雷丁

Venue address: 

Caversham Room - Rivermead Leisure Complex,
Richfield Ave, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 8EQ


Free entry (suggested donation is welcome to cover expenses)


Language: Tibetan, English, Nepalese, Mandarin



No register required, gate opening at 9:00am


25th 10:00-11:30am  Teachings on Troma Nakmo

         1:00pm              Troma Nakmo empowerment

25日 上午10:00-11:30 黑忿怒母修法开始 

          下午1:00             黑忿怒母灌顶

26th 10:00-11:30am Oral Transmission of Troma Nakmo

         1:00pm Troma Nakmo Tsok practice

26日 上午10:00-11:30 黑忿怒母总集口传

          下午1:00 黑忿怒母荟供

Contact 联系方式:

Tulku Tenzin 07436613236 
Hungtram Khen Rinpoche 07944461440

Centre address: Yeshe Longdhe, 5 Creswell, Hook, RG27 9TG, UK





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