Opening Ceremony and Teachings
The Opening Ceremony of Yeshe Longdhe Buddhist Meditation Centre was on the auspicious Saturday of 21st September 2019. It was our great honour to have His Eminence Kyabje Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche to inaugurate our new centre. We are also very fortunate that our centre will be under the guidance of the Spiritual Director Hungtram Khen Rinpoche, most of you have already known Rinpoche as Chewang Guru, together with Sokpo Tulku Rinpoche.
Opening Ceremony followed by Sixteen Arhats Puja and teaching on Treasury of Blessings.
• Saturday, 21st September 2019
• Start from 10am
Teaching on A Mirror Revealing the Crucial Points: Advice on the Ultimate Meaning by Longchenpa
• Time: 15:00hrs to 18:00hrs
•Venue: 8 High St, Aldershot GU11 1TW
Tendrel Nyesel Empowerment
• Sunday, 22 September 2019
• Start from 2pm
• Venue: Yeshe Longdhe Buddhist Meditation Centre, 5 Creswell, Hook, RG27 9TG
地址:Yeshe Longdhe Centre UK, 5 Creswell, Hook, RG27 9TG.
地址:Buddhist Community Centre UK, 8 High St, Aldershot GU11 1TW
9月22日 至尊堪钦仁波切赐予《缘起除障-莲师八大法行》灌顶及修法传承
地址:Yeshe Longdhe Centre UK, 5 Creswell, Hook, RG27 9TG.
About Tendrel Nyesel Empowerment
Tendrel Nyesel is a spiritual treasure revealed by Tertön Sogyal. It is a powerful practice which invokes the transcendental wisdom, compassion and power of Guru Padmasambhava, all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and manadalas of the hundred peaceful and wrathful deities and averts the inauspiciousness of the times by eliminating defilement and transforming interdependent circumstances.
《缘起除障-莲师八大法行》灌顶 介绍
「尊贵的莲花生大士不仅具足伟大精神上师的一切美德─知识、慈悲与无量能力, 更是一位具有殊胜力量的伟大上师。 留下无数甚深的伏藏教法,其中的「缘起除障」正是这样具有非凡特质的修持,带来不可思议的加持力。」
Biography of H.E. Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche
Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche is one of the most respected khenpos within the Nyingma tradition. He is one of the three ‘great khenpos’ of Namdrolling Monastery, where he has taught for over 51 years.
Khenpo Pema Sherab was born in 1936, Dege, Tibet. At fourteen, he went to Lhasa and studied under masters and scholars of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism. While receiving teachings, he rendered service to his teachers and studied with great enthusiasm, day and night.
In 1953, Shechen Kongtrul Rinpoche bestowed novice vows upon him. Khenpo met H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche in Lhasa, cared for him with great kindness. In 1959, he fled from Tibet to India with Khyentse Rinpoche, who then became his root teacher and received most of his teachings including the Guhyagarbha Root Tantra, Longchenpa’s Treasury of Pith Instructions, Kagyud Ngag Dzod (Treasury of Tantra teachings of Kagyu Lineage), Rinchen Terdzod, Jigme Lingpa’s Yonten Dzod (Treasury of Enlightened Qualities), Lochen Dharmashri’s Explanation on Ngari Penchen’s Three Vows entitled, Fruit of the Wish-fulfilling Tree, Patrul Rinpoche’s Words of My Perfect Teacher, and many other sutra and tantra teachings.
From H.H. Trulshik Rinpoche, Khenpo received the complete ordination of Bikshu and various empowerments and teachings. On various occasions, he has received many teachings including the Rinchen Terdzod Empowerments and its oral transmission from H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and H.H. Penor Rinpoche. He received all the teachings related to Jang-ter (Northern Treasure Teachings) from H.H. Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche.
In 1968, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche invited him to come to Namdroling to teach the Dharma. Though at that time, this institute has not established, Khenpo spent a few years teaching the traditional common and uncommon fields of study to small monks of the monastery. Since the establishment of Namdrolling from 1968 until now, thus for 51 years, Khenpo Pema Sherab has taught at Namdrolling.
In 1989 under the guidance of H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, together with Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, Khenpo also helped to establish the Shedra (philosophical college) in Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu. Since then he is the head guidance of the Shedra and has been coming every year to teach.
Khenpo has primarily taught the Thirteen Great Treatises, Jigme Lingpa’s Yonten Dzod (Treasury of Enlightened Qualities), Mipham Rinpoche’s Osel Nyingpo; a commentary to Guhyagarbha Tantra, Longchenpa’s Ngalso Korsum (Trilogy of Resting in the Nature of Mind), Rongzom Mahapandita’s Thegchen Tsul Jug (Entering the Mahayana Path) and many other teachings that illustrates the distinct view, meditation, conduct, and fruition of the Nyingma Lineage.
For the benefit of future generations, Khenpo Pema Sherab has composed many books on Buddhist philosophy including a biography of Guru Padmasambhava, exposition on Two Truths, Tibetan Logic and many others. Rinpoche was also invited by students from different parts of the world to give teaching in the West, Australia and Southeast Asia.
堪欽仁波切于 1936 年生於西藏德格。14 歲時前往拉薩在當時的大德座下日夜不間斷地潛心聞思修學并侍奉上師。
在 1953 年,雪謙康楚仁波切為仁波切授予沙彌戒。而後,年輕的堪欽仁波 切在拉薩面見頂果欽哲仁法王,法王慈悲將其攝為弟子。1959 年,藏區時局動 蕩,堪欽仁波切跟隨法王離開西藏抵達印度,在之後的修學中,法王成為了堪欽仁波切的根本上師,并接受幻化網密續,龍欽寶藏,噶舉密咒藏,大寶伏藏,晉美林巴意伏藏,三律儀決定論,滿愿果樹,普賢上師言教,等諸多經論密續。 在楚西法王座下,堪欽仁波切領受了完整的比丘戒和各種灌頂及教法。在不 同的場合中,堪欽仁波切在敦珠法王和貝諾法王處獲得許多教法,大寶伏藏灌頂 及口傳。在達隆澤珠法王座下獲得全部的北伏藏教法。
1968 年,貝諾法王邀請堪欽仁波切至南卓林寺傳法。在那個年代,南卓林寺還沒有完全建立起來,堪欽仁波切在幾年的時間里為年輕的僧侶們傳承共與不 共的教法,直到 1978 年,南卓林寺正式修建完畢至今,堪欽白瑪希繞仁波切已經在南卓林寺傳法 51年。
在 1989 年,在頂果欽哲法王的指導下,與雪謙冉江仁波切,堪欽白瑪希繞仁波切,一同在加德滿都建立了雪謙寺哲學院,從那時起堪欽白瑪希繞仁波切成 為哲學院的最高導師并每年都到雪謙寺授課。
堪欽仁波切主要從十三金法,晉美林巴意伏藏《功德藏》,米龐仁波切《大圆满光明藏》,大幻化網續,龍欽巴《大圓滿心性休息》,榮森班智達《入大乘道》以及 諸多寧瑪教法宣說見地,實修,禪坐,成就法等。
為了利益後學者,堪欽白瑪希繞仁波切著有《蓮花生大士傳記》《二諦論》 以及西藏邏輯學,因明學等。 仁波切層受邀西方,澳洲,東南亞等地傳法。
Opening ceremony and empowerment of Tendrel Nyisel
Introduction of Buddha and Buddhist <Treasury of Blessing> by Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche in Edinburgh Academy 2019